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(028) 90 123 4567
At Livingston Dental Healthcare, we believe that prevention is better than cure, and by ensuring your teeth are at their healthiest, we can help you maintain superior oral health which can last a lifetime, it is vital to attend regular check-ups.
Regular check-ups are the best way for us to identify any dental problems and to ensure your teeth and mouth environment are at their best. If problems are left untreated, they could be more difficult to treat in the future.

We are proud of our advanced treatments but place equally high importance on general dentistry care. General dentistry is orientated towards the prevention of dental problems and we place a great emphasis on oral health and dental hygiene.
Your check-up can be booked using the number below and if you aren’t a patient with Livingston Dental Healthcare just yet, we are currently welcoming new patients, including Denplan.
White fillings are made of composite resin and provide a very strong and aesthetically pleasing restoration. Composite fillings are tooth-coloured and give your teeth a more natural appearance, particulary for visible front teeth. They are probably the most common treatment we provide on a daily basis. In addition, they require less tooth preparation (drilling) than metal fillings do, leaving more of your natural tooth foundation in place.

Amalgam has traditionally been used in dentistry to restore back teeth and is often referred to as silver or metal fillings. Many patients opt to replace these metal fillings with tooth-coloured restorations which are more aesthetically pleasing. This is a pain-free procedure. It’s important to consider that metal fillings have an element of expansion and contraction when the conditions of the mouth change (e.g. when you drink a hot coffee or eat a cold ice-cream).
They therefore expand and contract, which may lead to weakening of the structure of the tooth over time, as well as allowing tiny gaps to be present between the filling and the tooth foundation. This can ultimately allow bacteria to get inside the tooth structure, and risk further decay over time. White fillings are more expensive, however they do not suffer from these limitations and as such, offer a superior long-term solution.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save a tooth and a dental extraction is required.
A tooth may need to be removed for numerous reasons, including gum disease, as part of orthodontic treatment (e.g. braces), extensive cracks or dental infections.
There are several options to replace a missing tooth and our experienced team can discuss these with you and offer advice on the best options to suit your personal needs.
If you are concerned you may require a dental extraction, or would like to discuss your options, please get in touch today.

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